Firm Overview
We Help People Get Peaceful Divorces by Resolving Issues Outside of Court with a Variety of Approaches.
You and your spouse have a choice: You don't have to automatically start battling each other in court.
We recommend the collaborative divorce process, but also find mediation and informal negotiations effective in some cases. Sometimes, people just need some information or suggestions and they can handle things on their own. We are fine with that, although we need to know some details about the case before we can suggest solutions. We can also review paperwork if you have reached your own agreements.
Important Note: We cannot represent both parties or advise both parties in a divorce. That is a conflict of interest. That means we cannot give advice to both parties in a divorce. Our allegiance can only be to our client.
We can, however, advocate for you, without being rude and offensive to your spouse. It is to everyone's advantage to cooperate and work together as much as possible. We are able to do that while keeping in mind what is most important and valuable for you.
We don't believe one size fits all. Working as a Mediator or in a Collaborative case, we have learned that both sides can end up being satisfied, with some creative effort. Divorce does not have to mean one side wins and the other side loses. Consistent with that, we recommend using litigation only as a last resort.
Experience and knowledge are big factors in effective representation. With over 35 years of experience, being a Board Certified Specialist in Family Law and a Master Credentialed Collaborative attorney, we can help you find or create peaceful decisions even in difficult cases.
We have successfully represented a variety of clients over the years. Here are a few of them.